Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – June 2022 Results

June P and L

On to month 63 in the “Making a Million Challenge.”

Overall from a betting perspective it was a slower month then usual. My plan at the beginning of the month was to be super productive, get more blog posts done, look at other ways to make money online and get shit done!

Writing this at the end of the month. I spent a lot of time going out for walks, running, playing football with my son, playing computer games and catching up on a few Netflix series (Umbrella Academy and Ozark). 

Although I did fail to be productive in the sense I set out too.

When I think back to when I started this blog more then 5 years ago. I was working a 60 hour security job. Having to work every weekend. Working nights and missing a lot of time with my family.

Looking at it that way, this month was pretty damn good. Having the time to do the things you want to do, with the people you want to do it with. Is real wealth in my opinion.

Hopefully I can keep progressing with betting and keep creating free time for myself and more time with my family going forward.

Let’s take a look at results from June.

Making A Million

Value Betting/Trading

A lot less volume in June with most of it coming on the Nations League. Where England performed really poor and my biggest bet of the month on Kane to register 1 shot on target when down in flames.

Really frustrating watching a game where you just need one shot on target.

Buddha, Jesus, Odin, whichever god I prayed too, Kane couldn’t find the target!

Recovered at the end of the month with a good run on the horses at the end of the month. That did kill the last remaining Bet365 account was I had however. Which pretty much brings me to the end of betting with soft books.

As time has gone on I have been using the exchanges more and more. However its a shame that the money train that is Bet365, is now over. At least for the near future anyway.

June Value betting

In total there were 113 bets made.

A total profit of £1246 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide


Advantage Play – Casino Offers

Barely worth mentioning casino offers this month.

In total I did 3 offers.

A total of £18 was made

Click Here To Read Our Guide To Making Money From Casino Offers


Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

Been a rough run this month with MMA betting. Two wins in the last 13 bets hasn’t felt good.

If Bet365 had offered a ridiculous price on Curtis to win by decision things would have been much worse.

Watching some of the fights it has been frustrating. With fighters being so close to getting finishes only to find themselves getting finished a few minutes later (Baudot,Emeev) but it’s just the volatility of the sport. The same volatility that presents value over the long term.

MMA bets June

Overall there were 13 bets in June.

A total of -£700 was lost betting on MMA.

Horse Racing Tipsters

A decent month for the horse racing portfolio. Which could have been much better had a not missed the day that the tipsters”No Photo Needed” hit a few winners.

Hansbury Racing was the standout tipster of the month providing a nice 74.9 winner.

Hansbury Winners

The current racing tipster portfolio consists of 3 tipsters.

June Horse racing results

Overall a profit of £340 was made from horse racing.


Golf bets performed poorly this month with nothing but consistent losses.

To save time I have grouped bets into their markets. (Winners market and top 5.)

A loss of -£766 was made.

Not a lot to say really, betting at higher odds so there is bound to be more volatility. Will keep putting the bets down and hopefully catch an upswing soon.


Misc includes profits or losses made from anything that is noted down on the previous headings. This is usually from following from bets from free tipsters. That I don’t individually record.

Total made from misc £45.


Going forward I will be pretty much using the exchanges exclusively. Apart from the odd local shop bet.

So I have been looking at services which look at profiting from Betfair, Smarkets and Matchbook. FTS Income is one of those services and hopefully should be joining their Ultimate service for the coming season.

Other then that I will continue value betting on the exchanges and trading. The last few months of the main leagues produced a lot of profit. I have tried to use the same methods on the summer leagues however it hasn’t worked as well, with the differences in liquidity.

Looking forward to the women’s Euro’s coming up. As that should produce some value betting opportunities and decent liquidity.

June P and L


Results For June

Value Betting – £1246

Casino Offers – £18

Golf – –£766

MMA – –£700

Horse Racing Tipsters – £340

Misc – £45


Total Made In May


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began



Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –   Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)



This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.


Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – May 2022 Results

May Profits

Month 62 is done in the “Making a Million Challenge” and it was another very good month with Golf and Horse racing tipsters chipping in with decent profits.

Things will be a bit quieter now we are in June and the majority of the football leagues take their summer break.

Let’s take a look at results from May.

Making A Million

Value Betting/Trading

There was a bit more volatility in value betting this month. With it being the end of the season and varying motivations for teams. Odds movement in football becomes much more volatile.

Whilst a lot of my value betting looks at recurring patterns in the markets, it was a little bit different during May. I couldn’t just rely on looking at odds movement as the markets behaved pretty differently.

60% positive and negative edges are usually pretty rare.


I often use Trademate to keep track of closing line. You can see from the above image that there were some big swings in prices by the time games kicked off.

Overall however it was another very good month. The gravy train that was Bet365 odds boost has slowed but they still offer decent value now and again.

One of my long term Bet365 accounts was limited which is always frustrating however had it had lasted about 2 years. So can’t really complain.

Using the exchanges as much as possible as long term there are only a limited amount of people I can work with. In terms of getting bets down on soft books.

In total there were 325 bets made.

A total profit of £3813 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide


Advantage Play – Casino Offers

In total I did 9 offers during May.

A profit of £148 was made.

Not much to write about here, there are more offers that I could be doing. However I just don’t really have the motivation to grind casino offers like previously. Sticking to doing higher value reload offers when they come through.

If you are looking to build a bankroll then doing lower value offers is worthwhile. Looking through Oddsmonkey’s casino reload offers you can still make £50+ a week from casino offers, fairly easily.

Click Here To Read Our Guide To Making Money From Casino Offers


Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

A profit of £856 was made from pre fight MMA bets this month.

MMA Bets May

If your interested in receiving these bets for free email me at [email protected] and I will send you the link.

Horse Racing Tipsters

Rejigged the horse racing portfolio this month, after things had been a little flat for a while.

In came the highly touted Hansbury Racing, along with the free SBC tipster “No Photo Needed.”

Along with the long standing tipster in the portfolio Kieran Ward’s Value Tips (Another free SBC tipster.)


Horse Racing Results May

Results were really strong this month with Hansbury Racing having some big winners early on in the month. Before giving a decent amount of the profit back. Whilst Kieran Ward and No Photo Needed had strong second half’s of the month which maintained a decent profit overall for the month.

During May a profit of £581 was made from stakes ranging from £10 to £30.


PGA Profit came good this month in pretty emphatic fashion. Hitting 3 big priced winners over the course of the month. Tipping Sam Burns (34.0 winner), Justin Thomas (17.0 winner) and Max Homa (46.0 winner) which recouped all losses from the year and put the tipster up just under 100 points for the year.

Unfortunately for me. I completely forgot to place my golf bets the week Max Homa won. (Which is  the first week this year that this has happened.)

Only realizing on the Friday when golf had already started. Which meant I missed out on a 46.0 winner, buts that’s betting sometimes these things happen.

Overall a profit of £466 was made from golf


A profit of £167 was made following bets from free tipsters and misc bets.

This section basically includes profit on my daily P/L which is not accounted for in any of the other sections.

One free tipster that I think is worth a follow comes from Asian Connect. If you register your interest with them as broker you get sent free tips.

AC Tips
Example of Asian Connect tips

I don’t bet every selection but I think the break downs usually make sense. In this case Poland did shorten pretty significantly before the game started.


This year has been excellent so far. Profit made so far in the first 5 months is around what I normally make in a year. I am aware that I am running really well and expect things to slow down in the next two month. With a lot less football available to bet on, alongside the fact that I am clinging on to the last few soft books I have available.

In contrast to how well this year has been for me betting wise. The UK betting industry does seem to be on its arse, with over regulation and silly affordability limits. Looking like it could ruin the game completely or force all serious bettors into the black market.

Time will tell!

Given there is a lot less to bet on this month. Going to take a look at other ways to make money besides betting. Just in case it becomes no longer viable.

Looking at freelance writing jobs, creating another website. Always thought trading the financial markets could be interesting. Similar to sports betting it seems like the majority of people get burnt trading however there are those that are doing it successfully.

Thanks for reading will be back with the next report in July.

May Profits


Results For May

Value Betting- £3813

Casino Offers – £148

Golf – £466

MMA – £856

Horse Racing Tipsters – £581

Misc – £167


Total Made In May


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began



Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –   Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)



This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.

Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – April 2022 Results

Value Betting Trading

Month 61 has been and gone in the “Making A Million Challenge.”

Building on a record month in March where for the first time a fix figure profit was made.

April was going to be interesting, let’s take a look at the results.

Making A Million

Value Betting/Trading

Another strong month for value betting and trading.

Although with football nearing the end of the season, my usual strategy wasn’t as straight forward. Some teams have bigger motivations then others with potential relegation/promotion. Whilst other teams had little to play for.

This means more volatility in the football markets.

Bet365 also seemed to have settled down a little with their boosts. Initially they seemed to be offering value on almost every game, however now they are being a little bit more selective.

Value Betting Trading

In total there were 512 bets made.

A total profit of £3042 was made.


Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

It was the lowest volume month in years for me when it came to completing casino offers. Just doesn’t seem to be as much around as there was. However I will also admit that I am not actively looking every day.

Let me know in the comments if your still doing a lot of casino offers?

During April I did 10 offers.

A profit of £190 was made.

Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

A profit of £690 was made from 9 bets this month on the pre fight MMA selections.


MMA Bets April

I also bet in-play on MMA using Betfair but I added these results to the value betting/trading section. The pre fight bets I send out for free on Discord.

If your interested in receiving them email at [email protected] and I will send you the link.

Horse Racing Tipsters

The horse racing tipsters are holding steady at the moment.

CD Systems is having a a pretty bad year but has a stellar record behind it.

I always find it tough following tipsters, as you always wonder whether the downswings are due to variance.

Has something changed in the market?

Do they still have an edge?

The other two horse tipsters made a profit this month.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

A total of £354 was made from horse racing.

Staking £10 on horses above odds of 10.00 and £20 stakes on odds below 10.00.

A New Tipster Emerges

Hansbury Racing is a tipster that readers have emailed me about. It’s a service that multiple stellar reviews. Including the Smart Betting Club who recently showed in their review that the service is very profitable even betting at Betfair SP.

So it made sense with football winding down to look at adding more on the horse racing side. Hansbury Racing looks like it should be a good addition.

Hansbury Racing
The headline stats look very impressive.

Click Here To Read More About Hansbury Racing


It was a poor month for Golf betting.

PGA Profit has not performed very well this year, my own value selections (based on what the markets is doing) also under performed this month.

Golf Betting

Overall a loss of -£463 was made betting on golf.


Misc includes bets from free tipsters such as Matchbook Insights.

Along with other bets/trades that I don’t track in any of the above categories. For example live bets if I watching a game. However I do add these to my daily P/L at the end of every day.

From this section a profit of £506 was made.


Overall it was another strong month. With football winding down and no big international tournament in the summer profits are likely to drop.

The horse racing markets are still something I would like to get more involved in. From talking to people it seems like one of the sports where following tipsters is a good option.

Other then that I think its just a case of continuing to scale what is working at the moment. Which is mostly value betting and a few strategies of my own that are based on beating the closing line.

I do want to keep this blog interesting, as I realize just writing profits from strategies I am not willing to give away will become tiresome. So if you do have any interesting tipsters or services, you would like me to trial let me know.


Results For April

Value Betting- £3042

Casino Offers – £190

Golf – –£463

MMA – £690

Horse Racing Tipsters – £354

Misc – £506

Total Made In April


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began



Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –   Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)



This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.

Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – March 2022 Results

March marked the 60th consecutive month in treating betting as a business.

After a really strong February I was really hoping to finally break over 5k profit in month.

Let’s take a look at results from March to see if it that happened.

Making A Million

Value Betting/Trading

Value betting and trading went like a dream in March. I continued to develop an edge that had been working really well. Staked more aggressively when I was confident, traded positions that I thought had a high likely hood of shortening in price.

Had some big in-play UFC bets which came off as during March we had some earlier start times.

During March there were 505 value bets.

A profit of £10,716 was made.

This month was pretty ridiculous in terms of profit. It was way bigger then any previous month. As much as I would like to go into more detail about the exact strategies I am using.

Giving too much away would only be detrimental to my own betting and create competition for the bets I get on. What I will say is that it is all based on looking at different ways to beat the closing odds.

Below is a video showing proof of results (screenshots are very easy to fake). Although I can’t give away all my strategies, I still want to be transparent and give people motivation to see what is possible if you stick with things.


Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide


Advantage Play – Casino Offers

Solid but unspectacular results for casino offers. Only really doing weekly offers now from Bet365 and the occasional reload offers. Could do a lot more but would rather spend that time looking at sports betting as the moment.

During February I did 48 offers.

A profit of £248 was made.

 Click Here For To Learn How To Make Money From Casino Offers


Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

It’s been a breakeven year so far, for my pre fight MMA selections. Which I’m not overly concerned about as my volume is low and still pretty confident long term I cam beat the markets.

In March a small amount of profit was made.

UFC Bets March

12 bets were made in March.

A profit of £134 was made

Horse Racing Tipsters

Cheltenham festival came and went in March. I managed go without a single win over the whole festival.

Came close with a few seconds, CD Systems also tipped up Corach Rambler which was a winner. However for some reason my bet was only partially matched on Matchbook. Which meant I missed out on a decent winner.

Overall the horse racing portfolio still feels a little flat. With no big international football tournament this summer, doing more on horse racing is something I will look at.

A small profit of £292 was made from horse racing.

These are the current horse racing tipsters I use.

CD Systems Daily Bargain

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)


Golf/Free Tipsters/Misc

From everything else which includes some bets from matchbook insights, golf tips from PGA profit.

A loss of -£403 was made.


Breaking £10k profit in month having previously never won over £5k was pretty f***ing awesome not going to lie. But it didn’t change anything.

Kind of half expected a fireworks display and some C list celebrity knocking on the door with a giant cheque. 

What It did prove however was that going all in and actively looking at developing my own edges. Rather then relying on tipsters. Was something I should have done probably much sooner.

Whilst I don’t think that every month will be as good as March. I am pretty confident that this year should see a new year high in profit for betting.

Still looking at joining FTS Income for next season. Will probably look also at Tradeonsports during April as it looks like they have made some new developments. Would really like to develop my in-play betting, the edge I have in pre match isn’t going away any time soon. But I still think its important to keep finding new edges where possible.

Overall it was a stand out month. April’s results should be interesting as it should be a good indicator of whether I just ran extremely well in March ir things will continue this way.

Results For March

Value Betting- £10,716

Casino Offers – £248

Free Tipsters/Golf/Misc – –£403

MMA – £134

Horse Racing Tipsters – £292


Total Made In March


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began




Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – February 2022 Results

Feb Total Profit Betting

For the last few months the recurring thought has been “pivot or go all in.”

The betting landscape in the UK doesn’t look the best at the moment. So it did make sense to look at what other opportunities there are to make an extra income.

Investing, cryptocurrency, blogging, affiliate marketing, Amazon fba, youtube. There is an endless amount of ways to look at making an extra income.

However in February I decided to focus entirely on betting/trading for the rest of the year. Its the old adage of being a “jack of all trades, master of none.”

Let’s take a look at results from February to see if it paid off.

Making A Million

Value Betting/Trading

January was a tough month for value betting however February more then made up for it.

From looking at the markets over a longer period, something I noticed was recurring patterns that happen pretty consistently. A positive from this is that I can normally get down on exchanges and add a trading element rather then straight up value betting.

For example with Young Boys you can see I get odds of 2.42, when they are trading at 2.06. By trading out half the stake or more. It creates a larger value bet.

This doesn’t pan out every time however I am able to read the markets well enough to be right about 70% of the time.

Still also value betting a lot with bookmakers and in shops, but this strategy has been working well so far. Plus has the benefit of not having to worry about limitations.

Value Betting Feb

This alongside Bet365 putting out several value bets everyday meant there was a decent increase in volume for February.

During February there were 433 value bets.

A profit of £4768 was made.


Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide


Advantage Play – Casino Offers

Not much to see here.

Casino Offers

A low volume, low profit month for casino offers.

During February I did 59 offers.

A profit of £44 was made.

 Click Here For To Learn How To Make Money From Casino Offers


Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

Not a very good month betting on mixed martial arts in February.

Feb UFC results

Generally betting on underdogs so these runs are going to happen.

Not a lot to add really, not betting a lot of volume over the course of the month.

Long term results are still good.

There were 12 bets in February, a total loss of -£787 was made.

Horse Racing Tipsters

Beth Bet closing up shop left quite a gap in the horse racing portfolio.

CD systems daily bargain was brought it and a few other free tipsters were used.

All in all though it was bit of a car crash for the month of February as everything lost.

Horse Racing Results Feb

Not a good sign to lose nearly 50 points in month. Especially considering the amount of volume is much less now that Beth Bet is not providing 20 -30 selections. Generally betting somewhere between 2-7 selections a day currently.

These are the current horse racing tipsters I use.

CD Systems Daily Bargain

Lucrative Racing (Daily free selections)

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

Overall a loss of -£931 was made following horse racing tipsters.


February was a strong month for the selections with a few big priced winners.

My staking is pretty simplified for the golf, aiming to win around £200 per bet.

Currently using PGA profit and the free Smart Betting Club Tipster Rainmaker. Along with some other free selections from Ben Coley and value based selections.

Golf Betting Results


Overall a profit of £718 was made from golf.

Trading/Free Tipsters/Misc

Everything else which includes some in-play betting, trading and a few bets from free tipsters accounted for a profit of £847.

Traded a few positions on the UFC and a few profitable in-play football bets accounted for the majority of the profit.


After a poor start in January, it was nice to rebound with my best ever month in February. At one point I was £5k in profit which would have been a cool barrier to break. But a downswing at the end of the month prevented that.

Overall pretty happy with how things are going. Making a firm decision to go all in with betting, alongside still working full time. Payed off well in the short term.

Edges come and go, but I do think I have found a new value betting approach that is going to work long term.

I am always looking for new ways to make money from sports betting. Looking at joining FTS Income for next seasonHaving listened to Ian (the guy that runs FTS) podcasts on and off for a few years. It’s clear to me that he is legitimate and has made good money from betting/trading.

So learning his process and approach is only going to benefit me going forward.

If anyone is a long term member and has any feedback I would love to exchanges messages.

Feb Total Profit Betting

Results For February

Value Betting- £4768

Casino Offers – £44

Free Tipsters/Trading – £847

MMA – –£789

Horse Racing Tipsters – –£931

Golf – £718


Total Made In February


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began


Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – January 2022 Results

Betting January

First month into 2022 and it was a rocky one from a betting perspective.

Value betting went through a period were it was just constant losses for a couple of weeks. Didn’t matter what the odds were or how much I beat the closing line.

Just seemed like the god of betting, enjoyed seeing me lose day after day.

Let’s get into the results from January!

Making A Million

Value Betting

Value betting was a bit of a roller coaster this month. Went through a losing period that I never experienced before early on in the month. For around 100 bets it seemed like 90% lost, whilst it was very frustrating. I wasn’t doing anything different from the last few years.

It’s a proven strategy, the staking was fine. It was just a case of riding out the storm(Was what I told myself to stop me launching the computer through the window.)

On the plus side found a few new angles this month to get on more value bets on. Started staking more and trading the bets I was confident would shorten.

Value Betting Mansfield

This is something I have been doing for quite a while. Value betting day in day out has meant that I have looked at thousands of betting markets. Because of this there are a few patterns that occur over and over. Some of these can be bet using the exchanges, along with local shops.

Trading these selections should reduce variance with value betting. Effectively your just getting even larger value bets. For example getting Mansfield at 4.7 when the true odds were 2.7.


Value Betting Jan

During January there were 250 value bets.

A loss of -£1083 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

A small winning month for casino offers in January.

Not a whole lot going on with casino offers at the moment. There are a few recurring Bet365 offers week in and week out. Casumo had a decent 30% cashback offer on live casino games. Overall however not getting a lot of volume at the moment.

During January I did 52 offers.

A profit of £504 was made.

 Click Here For To Learn How To Make Money From Casino Offers

Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

UFC Bets January

Only 7 bets in January as there wasn’t the usual weekly UFC event. With only two events happening.

Overall a profit of £789 was made

Horse Racing Tipsters

The horse racing tipsters delivered again in January. With Beth Bet being a big part of that and providing the majority of the selections.

So it was it was a surprise to get an email in the last week of January. Stating that they would be closing the service.

Not sure why, there was no reason given. However it has left quite a hole in the horse racing tipster portfolio. Which will really effect the turnover.

Horse Racing Results

Overall a profit of £1268 was made.

The staking plan for horse racing is very simple – £10 on horses odds of 10.00 above and £20 on horses at odds of below 10.00.

Beth Bets exit leaves two horse racing tipsters at the moment.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

New Tipsters

Beth Bet has opened my eyes to how profitable horse racing betting can be. I am looking to add some more tipsters and if anyone has recommendations please let me know.

A few that I am considering at the moment are.

The Value Machine

Looks like the closest service to Beth Bet however I am not sure how workable it would be with the exchanges.

CD Systems Daily Bargain

Has solid long terms results and is a service that is profitable on the exchanges.

Lucrative Racing

Have a few different services that look very promising.

If anyone has feedback on any of these services, let me know in the comments or send me an email.


The Golf portfolio came good this month, after stuttering along for a while.

PGA profit chipped in with some nice winners.

Could have been much better but I disappointingly missed the email (my own fault) sent from the Smart Betting Club’s free tipster Rainmaker. Who gave out the winner Luke List at odds of 80.00.

Overall however it was good to get a winning month from the golf betting.

There were 67 golf bets in January, a profit of £265 was made.

Trading/Free Tipsters/Misc

Everything else accounted for a loss of -£441.

Mainly down to some of the free tipster selections that I take performing badly. Last year using several different free tipsters was pretty profitable. Then when Betmarkets folded (which was where I was getting a lot of tips from) I just stopped doing it.

However there are a number of decent people to follow on twitter that give out good betting tips.

Below are a couple that I follow and recommend.

Harout Massoyan (Tennis)

Bet On Value (Football)

Skeeve (Lower League English football)



An interesting month were mid way through I had pretty much accepted it would be a losing one. One positive aspect of this month was despite when things were going really sh**. At no point did I consider changing anything that I was doing, as long term I know it wins.

Betting January

Which earlier on in my betting would not have been the case.

Caught in two minds when it comes to betting. As much I enjoy it, the future of betting professionally in the UK doesn’t look great. Single customer view (looks to be happening) and silly monthly deposit limits have already effected some of my accounts. In terms of scaling things up these issues do get in the way.

Whilst I am sure I will always bet whilst its profitable. I have for a while been contemplating about putting more time into something else. Just in case making a primary income from betting becomes something that’s not possible anymore.

But for now whilst there is still money to made, it makes sense to see how far I can take it.

Results For January

Value Betting- –£1083

Casino Offers – £504

Free Tipsters/Trading- -£441

SSBC/MMA – £789

Horse Racing Tipsters – £1268

Golf Value – -£265


Total Made In January


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began



Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –  Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)

This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.


Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – December 2021 Results

Monthly Profit

Alright that’s another year of betting in the books.

Overall it was a profitable and although covid still rears its ugly head. 2021 felt like a much more normal year compared to 2020 where everything seemed to be on hold.

If you want to take a look at results over the whole year, you can view the videos below.

(The video is broken up into 2 parts)

If you just want to take a look at results from December, let’s dig into them!

Value Betting

Strong end to the year for value betting.

Increased my staking on some of the bigger value bets this month. Previously i capped my max bet at £200 but I increased this to £300 in December. Which paid off as a number of the higher value bets paid off.

Something else that I also do with bigger value bets that I am confident will continue to shorten in odds. Is hedge half of the stake which in turn gives me a larger value bet.

This lowers the variance of value betting long term. When looking at value bets which don’t start for a few days it can be a good strategy to use.

Value Betting December


During December there were 264 value bets.

A profit of £2312 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

Casino offers came back with a solid winning month to end the year.

Feel like results have been a little underwhelming this year after a really strong 2020.

However I know I have done a lot less in terms of volume this year. To be honest casino offers are pretty mindless and almost just data entry this point.

Where as with betting I get a bit more stimulation out of trying to beat the game.

During December I did 78 offers.

A loss of £879 was made.

 Click Here For To Learn How To Make Money From Casino Offers

Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

MMA Results

I small profit with MMA betting in the last month of the year.

After 10 bets a profit of £329 was made.

UFC Betting Results

Horse Racing Tipsters

On to the horse racing portfolio, which has been something of a revelation this year.

It’s something that I hope can really allow me to scale profits up. Due to the volume that you can get down on a daily basis. Feels like it could be a game changer for me as long as thing continue to go well.

My staking plan is very simple – £10 on horses odds of 10.00 above and £20 on horses at odds of below 10.00.

This is the line up of horse racing tipsters I now use.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

Beth Bet (Read The Review)

Barstewards Podcast Selections ( Podcast Link)

Horse Betting

During December a profit of £257 was made.

Not the most mind blowing figures for December but over the whole year a profit of £4420 was made. With stakes ranging from £5 – £20.

Which is encouraging going forward.


Whilst everything else was profitable losses came in a few areas.

There weren’t many golf bets in December but that accounted for losses of -£120.

Experimented with Winnerodds software on the exchanges in December combined my own betting/trading also accounted for losses of -£609

A loss of -£729 was made.


Thanks if you are someone that actively reads these on a monthly basis.

Although I am still far off making a million. Writing these monthly blog posts does keep me motivated and accountable for my betting.

Hopefully you get some value from them, wish you all the best for 2022!

Results For December

Value Betting- £2312

Casino Offers – £879

Trading – -£609

SSBC/MMA – £329

Horse Racing Tipsters – £257

Golf Value – -£120



Total Made In December


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began


Remaining Target


Monthly Profit


Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –  Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)

This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.



Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – November 2021 Results

November was the first month of my streamline more time efficient betting portfolio.

I really enjoyed spending a little less time betting. Spent more time learning about investing long term and even delved into learning more about cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is something I have always though I would just leave alone. After reading more and looking into it I came to the exact same conclusion (time well spent).

Will stick with sports betting, trading and investing in the stock market.

Anyway enough rambling lets take a look at results from November (Month 56).

Value Betting

Apart from a few £5 Bet365 free bets and 1 or 2 arbitrage bets it was pretty much all value betting in November.

I get on value bets a few different ways.

Utilizing limited accounts, using betting shops and using accounts that have yet to be limited.

Value betting November


During November there were 107 value bets.

A profit of £619 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

It was a losing month for casino offers this month.

Been a while since I hit a really decent win on casino’s and profit this year has been a lot less then years prior. Part of that is variance but also I have just done a lot less this year.

Casino November

In November I did 92 offers.

A loss of -£129 was made.

 Click Here For A Guide On How To Make Money From Casino Offers

Smart Sports Betting Community/MMA Results

A rough month for my MMA betting, along with those that followed selections.

Looking through the bets I made this month I was happy with all of them. It’s just this is betting and the fact is sometimes you are going to lose.

Overall results for the year are still very solid.

MMA Year

This month there were 13 bets and a total loss of -£1220 was made.

If you want to receive these MMA bets for free. (email me at [email protected])

Horse Racing Tipsters

Horse racing tipsters make up a big part of my overall volume now.

The majority of these selections come from Beth Bet. However there are other tipsters that I am also using.

One podcast that I also use for selections is the Bar Stewards Enquiry.

Its a bunch of very knowledgeable horse racing bettors that give out great selections.

My staking plan is very simple – £10 on horses odds of 10.00 above and £20 on horses at odds of below 10.00.

This is the line up of horse racing tipsters I now use.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

Beth Bet (Read The Review)

During November a profit of £1842 was made from horse racing tipsters.

A really strong month and betting on horse racing is something that I want to focus more on going forward.

I like the amount of volume I can get down on a daily basis, there are plenty of good horse racing tipsters around. There does seem to be some scope to profit from the exchanges also which is the big factor.


Golf Portfolio

Not the best month for the golf portfolio. Got off to a fairly good start early on but a consistent stream of losers put the month into negative figures.

Golf Results

The golf portfolio consists of PGA Profit and the Smart Betting Club free golf tipsters.

Alongside that I also place a few of my own bets that are purely based on the market indicating they are value.

During November a loss of -£107 was made.


Don’t remember doing any trading this month.

However looking at my records there is an extra £10 profit for the month that has come from somewhere.

Rolling Profit

Overall not the best month in terms of profit but I was happy to salvage something. As it looked like I would be booking in my first losing month for a long time after the 21st.


Removing my losses from MMA the month would have been pretty solid, so happy with the more time efficient approach I took this month.

Been playing around with the highly rated tennis value betting software Winnerodds this month also. Seeing if I can get some use out of it purely using the exchanges.

Things look promising on this front and its another service that doesn’t require too much time.

In terms profit for the year again its been pretty solid. At the start of every year I think “Ok I am really going to go for it this year.”

Then end up making between £20k -£30k which has happened for the last 5 years. Which I am really happy about as I have always worked full time alongside the betting.

Long term I hope that betting will help me retire early. I don’t think its ever something I would want to solely rely on for a living.

My approach has always been about hammering volume rather then increasing my stakes quickly.

But perhaps in 2022 I should really assess my staking and be more aggressive.

Results For November

Value Betting- £619

Casino Offers – –£129

Trading – £10

SSBC/MMA – –£1220

Horse Racing Tipsters – £1842

Golf Value – -£107


Total Made In November


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began


Remaining Target



Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –  Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)

This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.



Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – October 2021 Results

The year is flying by and its on to month 55 in the “Making A Million Challenge.”

For the second month running I made a very costly mistake and its made me make a few adjustments. The mistake in question was leaving a trade open that I intended to close before the start of the match.

Got wrapped up playing a board game with the kids and came back to the damage below.

Have felt recently that my approach to betting/trading is a little bit too scattered.

This year 2 silly mistakes have cost me over £1k which could have been avoided if I had slowed down a little bit. Tried to plan my days better rather then just pinging off as many bets as I can throughout the day.

I think It makes sense going forward to condense what I am doing but stake more aggressively on the edges that I am most confident about.

Let’s dig into the results from October!

Value Betting

A strong month for value betting. Still doing some arbitrage and matched betting but it accounts for a tiny amount of the volume.

Value Betting October 2021

Pretty interesting graph as basically didn’t really get anywhere for the first 100 or so bets. Then one decent weekend seemed to initiate a really nice upswing to end the month.

During October there were 201 value bets.

A profit of £1524 was made.

Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

A steady but unspectacular month for casino offers.

Left some money on the table by not doing every offer. Again though there has to be some balance and spending multiple hours doing casino offers isn’t the most rewarding thing.

However even smaller amounts of profit add up over the year.

In October I did 63 offers

A profit of £299 was made.

 Click Here For A Guide On How To Make Money From Casino Offers

Smart Sports Betting Community Results

These results are my own MMA/Boxing bets along with in-play football. For my betting I stake £200 a point on selections.

If you want to join this service it it currently free until November the 1st. (email me at [email protected])

It was another profitable month for the service. (Official profit currently stands at £1472 to £100 stakes since starting)

This month there were 42 bets and a total profit of £780 was made.


This is an area that I won’t be continuing in the future.

Mainly as both tipsters send out selections at any time with does work for some people. But with the mistakes I have been making lately.

I want to reduce the amount I am doing and these two services are a casualty of that.

Premier Greyhound Tips – Didn’t bet this month.

Looking at official results it would have been a profitable one. However I unintentionally missed bets in the first few days of the month. Then decided that I should narrow my focus to other area’s.

Neil Macdonald -£702 from 10 selections (Staking £200 a point)

A rough period for Neil’s service. Although his long term results are very good and I do think he will be profitable long term. His following is that big that he does move odds when selections are released. So getting on his bets do require a bit more work.

As stated before I want to narrow my focus to the area’s that I am most profitable in. Whilst also being more efficient with my time. So Neil’s service was a casualty of this and I stopped following midway through the month.

Tipster Results Overall


Horse Racing Tipsters

On to the horse racing tipster portfolio which has been performing really well this year.

At the start of this month I increased my staking to £10 on horses odds of 10.00 above and £20 on horses at odds of below 10.00.

Not the most advanced staking plan but I am turning over a lot of bets on the horses now. So fixed liability staking is an easy time saver and has been working fine so far.

This is the line up of horse racing tipsters I now use.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

Beth Bet (Read The Review)

Not the greatest or the worst month in terms of profit but not going to complain.

What I really like about this part of the portfolio. Is it takes me about an hour in morning and I can turnover a decent amount of money.

In October a profit of £161 was made from horse racing tipsters.

Golf Portfolio

Along with the horses, golf is another area of betting that I am really starting to enjoy.

It’s easy to get bets down on exchanges or shops. I can pretty much crack on with it after I am done with horses on a Wednesday morning. Then check results the following Monday.

Another plus is there are quite a few talented tipsters in the area of golf betting.

In October I carried on using movements on the exchanges to highlight value bets with online bookmakers and shops.

Going forward I will be following PGA Profit and the Smart Betting Club free golf tipsters.

In October a loss of -£106 was made.


So the -£760 Aubameyang mistake factors in to the trading this month.

This added to some in-play losses on the UFC. Didn’t do a whole lot of pre match trading throughout the month.

Overall it was a poor month for my trading.

In total a loss of -£1157 was made

Results For October

Value Betting- £1524

Casino Offers – £299

Trading – –£1157

SSBC – £780

Tipsters – -£702

Horse Racing Tipsters – £161

Golf Value – -£106


Total Made In October


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began


Remaining Target




Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –  Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)

Recommended For Exploiting Casino Offers

(Readers of can get the first month half price using the link below)

Bonus Accumulator (Click Here)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month  (Annual Subscription)

This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.



Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – September 2021 Results

September 2021 marked month 54 in the making a million challenge.

It was a month where profits came really easy early as everything seemed to be winning. Really though I might be looking at a record month!

One big mistake half way through the month lost me about £400 and then variance seemed to even itself out.

Let’s dig into the results from September.

Value Betting, Matched Betting And Arbitrage 

The results are pretty much 95% value betting at this point.

There is the odd £5 free bet which I usually just chuck on an underdog and a normally find a few arbitrage bets each month.

However you can probably tell by the graph that value betting is where the majority of the volume is.

Value Bets Sept

During September there were 229 value bets.

A profit of £248 was made.


Not Familiar With Matched Betting Or Value Betting ?

Read Our Guides Below

Matched Betting Guide

Value Betting Guide

Advantage Play – Casino Offers

Lacked the motivation to do much casino stuff this month.

Its frustrating as some of the casinos I was getting better reload offers on have put a £200 deposit limit on my account. Which means I can usually do one reload a month where in the past I might get 4 or 5.

I could get these limits increase but the source of wealth checks are so over the top that I can’t be bothered.

This meant the month was mostly low risk offers.

In September I did 72 offers

A profit of £332 was made.

MMA/Boxing Betting Results

September was another solid month for mma and boxing betting.

The biggest value bet of the month was backing Vitor Belfort to beat 58 year old Evander Holyfield. Didn’t feel particularly great about betting against a 58 year old man in a boxing contest.

But the odds were ridiculous.

Overall 14 bets were placed and a total profit of £551 was made.


Let’s take a look at how the tipsters I follow performed in September.

Premier Greyhound Tips -£351 from 34 selections (Staking £10 per point.)

Disappointing month for Premier Greyhound tips with a lot of the stronger (4 point) selections losing. Hopefully October improves.

You Can Read Our Premier Greyhound Tipster Review Here

Neil Macdonald -£620 from 29 selections (Staking £200 per point)

Bad run at the moment for Neil’s selections. There are some missed bets as his selections do tend to shorten quickly but often rebound. Not much to add, Neil’s long term record is stellar. Feel its just a case of getting through this rough patch.

You Can Read Our Bookie Insiders Review Here

Tipster Results Overall


Horse Racing Tipsters

On to the horse racing tipster portfolio which performed brilliantly this month.

This is the line up of horse racing tipsters I now use.

Quentin Franks Racing – Betting odds 5.0 or above using only exchanges (Click Here For Our Review)

Kieran Ward Value Service (Free Smart Betting Club Tipster)

Beth Bet (Read The Review)

Horse Racing Results

Beth Bet again proved to be very profitable this month, Quentin Franks chipped in with a 36.00. winner and Kieran Wards selections were also profitable.

(On a side note I will have a video up in a few days going over how I use Beth Bet and my results using the software.)

In September a profit of £1409 was made from horse racing tipsters.

Golf Value

I carried on with the golf value betting strategy in September.

Using the exchanges to highlight value bets with online bookmakers and shops.

In September a profit of £353 was made from 26 selections.



Been a while since I have made a big mistake with my trading or betting.

But September marked a big f*** up.

I had a pre match lay on Burnley against Arsenal which I intended to close before the start of the game. Saturdays can be a pretty busy day and that day was also my niece’s birthday party.

No problem though I thought i would just trade out on my phone and enjoy a few hours away from the computer.

What I didn’t realize was that on Smarkets when you trade out of a position it doesn’t also cancel your other unmatched bets. Which it does on Betfair.

So I returned from the party feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work. Loaded up Smarkets and saw I had a £400 bet matched on Burnley after I had traded out.

Which duly lost and was a kick in the balls but mistakes do happen.

You learn and you move on.


Other then that trading had been going really well both pre match and in-play.

Managed to hit a really nice trade on the England vs Andorra game which I went through in the video below.


In September a profit of £1042 was made from trading

Results For September

Value Betting, Arbitrage, Matched Betting – £248

Casino Offers – £332

Trading – £1040

Sports Betting – £551

Tipsters – -£971

Horse Racing Tipsters – £1409

Golf Value – £353


Total Made In September


Overall Profit Since The Challenge Began


Remaining Target




Smart Sports Betting Community

September also marked the first month of the Smart Sports Betting Community.

Which is something I run myself.

Covering MMA/Boxing bets, value betting and football trading advice.

SSBC Results 1

Results for the first month were really positive, the graph above illustrates results staking £100 a point.

You Can Access A One Week Free Trial Here If Interested


Recommended For Matched Betting/ Value Betting/ Arbitrage

Oddsmonkey Matched Betting And Arbitrage Software (Click Here For A Free Trial)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month (Annual Subscription)

Trademate Sports Value Betting Software –  Click Here For A Two Week Trial

If you comment “Smart Sports Trader” in the chat when you sign up for a Trademate Sports trial. You will get an extended two week trial and also a 10% discount off your first month.

Subscription Cost – £105 a month (Monthly)

Recommended For Exploiting Casino Offers

(Readers of can get the first month half price using the link below)

Bonus Accumulator (Click Here)

Subscription Cost – £12.50 a month  (Annual Subscription)

This blog post features affiliate links.

Which means that if you subscribe to a service through a link on this site I will receive a commission.

This does not come at any additional cost to you. In fact with some of these services I have negotiated discounted prices for readers of

I only recommend services I am using or have used in the past.