Mastering Tennis Trading Review – An Expert’s Insight

Mastering tennis trading review

Mastering Tennis Trading is a book written by respected professional tennis trader Dan Weston.

Dan Weston has written articles for Pinnacle and Matchbook. He also runs the site which has lots of good articles on tennis trading and betting.

Mastering Tennis Trading Review
The tennis markets attract huge amounts of liquidity.

Mastering Tennis Trading Review

The book mastering tennis trading is as the name implies all about trading the tennis markets on betting exchanges.

I don’t trade tennis myself but I always love to read how professional traders approach trading the betting exchanges. This book does a great job of that and has really given me the motivation to take a much deeper look at trading tennis in 2017.

Mastering Tennis Trading is a total of 117 pages long. It starts with a basic introduction to tennis trading and how to setup yourself up when you are trading. General aspects of the betting exchanges are also explained such as price increments, laying, liquidity etc.

After the general introduction different trading strategies and situations are discussed in detail. One recurring theme that I really liked about this book is the use of data to explain why a trade had or might have a positive expectation.

Mastering Tennis Trading covers quite a large number of trading situations with the main topics including

  • Pre-match trading
  • Projected service holds
  • Pre-match lay to back in-play 
  • Backing favourites when losing
  • Laying bad servers
  • Pressure situations
  • Backing the server
  • Tiebreak trading
  • In-game trades
  • At the end of the first set
  • The deciding set
  • Dangerous situations
  • Psychology risk and bankroll management

So you can see from the above that this book is very thorough and covers pretty much all aspects of trading tennis.


Mastering Tennis Trading Review

Final Verdict

I really enjoyed reading this book and felt that I was getting expert advice from somebody that is trading the tennis markets profitably for a living. Mastering Tennis Trading does an excellent job of explaining the basics of trading tennis and then progresses to show well explained examples of how you can find profitable angles within the tennis markets.

This book gets a clear recommendation from me. It is well written, easy to follow and would add a huge amount of value to anyone that was looking to trade tennis on the exchanges.

It gets a five star rating from me.

(This article features affiliate links. This means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. I use or have used any product I review. If I recommend them it is because I believe they are helpful, useful and offer value to their customers. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel they will give you value or that they will help you achieve your goals.)



Tony Hargraves Badger Review Follow Up

So the review that I did on two of Tony Hargraves “The Badger’s” ebooks have been receiving a lot of attention. You can read the reviews here.

The intention of the review was to raise the awareness. That “The Badger” may not be as successful as he claims to be. And that you should bear that in mind when purchasing his products.

I could have left a neutral review stuck up an affiliate link and profited from “The Badgers” products. Having bought poor trading products before. I know how disappointing it is to spend hard earned money on something that offers little to no value.

Tony Hargraves is a great self promoter if you google him you will see a lot of courses and videos etc on how much money he makes from his trading. If you have been involved or around trading communities for a while though you get to see things from a slightly different perspective.

Below is some suggested reading.

Suggested Reading

Choose Your Trading Mentors Carefully

So some of this probably lacks some context. But if you have been around trading communities for a few years you see a lot of the “Badgers” business ventures surface and come under a lot of scrutiny.

Just as an example his trading advice service has no results page and isn’t proofed anywhere. Although in the past there had been a results page. But when results went sour it disappeared a tactic many scam tipsters use (again use your own judgement).

His affiliation with Steve Davidson who is a guy that seems to pump out a automated “winning” systems on a weekly basis. Also adds fuel to the fire that the Badger may not be as legitimate as he claims.

You can read their affiliated product here.

There have been youtube videos where he uses progressive staking to get out losing trading position. Which doesn’t make much sense coming a seasoned professional trader.

You don’t see this type of negativity towards other notable Betfair Traders like Peter Webb, Caan Berry, Mark Iverson or Paulo Rebelo.

If you have purchased a product from Tony Hargraves and felt that it has aided you in learning to trade more profitably then that is great. My own opinion though is that the products I reviewed are over priced, poor value and his claims over exaggerated.

I believe that there is much better information available for free on the internet and trading products for similar price tags which offer much much more.

Personally I have found to be an excellent free resource for anyone aspring to make money from the horse racing markets. Which in my opinion offers much more value then anything I have read or watched from “The Badger.”


The Sports Trader Review and Racing Trader Review

In this article I am going to review two of Tony Hargreaves aka “The Badger” trading ebooks.

The first part of this article will focus on the sports trader review whilst the second part will look at the racing trader review.

If you are not familiar with the sportstrader take a look here

Sports Trader reviews
The Badger or the Blagger?

I have been interested in looking at Tony Hargreaves ebooks for a while as in the sports trading community he has a somewhat patchy reputation.

He is a self proclaimed professional Betfair trader and also offer training courses for people looking to take there trading to a professional level.

On sports trading forums however he has also been nicknamed “The Blagger” with some believing that he makes his living from his ebooks, courses and training with his actual Betfair Trading skills being questionable.

Sports Trader Review – Strategy Guide 

The first ebook I am going to review is the sports trader strategy guide.

The ebook briefly outlines 16 strategies and costs £39.99  it covers football, Tennis, Cricket, Greyhound, Rugby and horse racing.

The strategies are fairly basic and there isn’t much depth to any of them in fact you could find similar strategies browsing betting and trading forums online.

There aren’t any long term results shown with the strategies they are normally accompanied by a picture of a winning screen and “The Badger” writing that this strategy works most of the time.


For £39.99 I don’t think this strategy guide offers any value at all.

All of the strategies are very basic for example one “strategy” is the total sum of 4 lines!

I would not recommend this manual even to beginners as there is a lot of free content available that offers more.

The ebook is poorly written and the strategies lack any real depth or explanation.

What you will see mostly in this ebook are screens of winning trades and a very small amount of  actual strategy.

Sports Trader Review – Racing Trader Review 

Sports Trader review
The feeling I got after reading the Racing Trader

If I hadn’t been actively learning to trade the horse racing markets this last year then maybe I would have a slightly different opinion on this book.

If I hadn’t come across Caan Berry or Itsamugsblogs horse racing content maybe this book would have came across a little better.

So the Racing Trader costs £60 and focuses on the horse racing markets. If you buy this ebook  you get to see lots of winning trades and read how Tony Hargreaves made 61 winning trades in a row!

The same issues apply to the racing trader that were present in the sports trader strategy guide there is no real depth to the strategies discussed.

It all just seems as a way for the “The Blagger” sorry the “The Badger” to show how awesome he is at trading.

There is a lot of fundamental information regarding horse racing that is missing from this book.

I feel that if you were to trade the horse racing markets based on the information in this book you would lose money and the book would not give you the answers why.

This book simplifies the horse racing markets and focuses more on how much money you can make rather then going deep into the process of making consistently good trades.

So then do I think that Tony Hargreaves is full of crap and a snake oil salesman?

I think its a possibility or maybe he is just very bad at writing down the process of how he trades so profitably.


My main issue with these expensive ebooks is that they are sold on the premise that you are getting expert advice from a professional trader.

The information and content in these books though is very basic and doesn’t provide the depth of information you expect from a “professional trader.”

I would recommend you don’t buy anything that Tony Hargreaves is selling there is free information that is much better then what he offers in either of these ebooks.

Its get 0.5 star rating for me, the price tags are ridiculous for me and the books offer very little value.

I wrote a follow up to this review here due to some discussion this review caused.

Here are my recommendations for free material that in my opinion offer a lot more value then the “The Badgers” products.

 Peter Webb’s Youtube Channel

Caan Berry Website
